Daniel Jackson Fan Fic
Daniel Jackson Fan Fic

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This lady gets a whole page to herself. Her name is Lisa Beth Darling. She is an author. I came across her when I was looking for Daniel Jackson Fan Fiction. Although she doesn't write so much anymore, there other authors that still write them.

What impressed me with her is the fact that she has strayed away from the fan fic muse as I call it. She now has written a Novel, and its by far one of the best novels that I have ever read.

I am proud to call her my friend, and a great writer. You know a book is super good when you can't put it down. She leaves you hanging, lots of suspence, and romance. I highly reccomend you buy this book.
She even has it available to wehre you can purchase an autographed copy. What other author offers such a kind thing. To read a book that is autographed to you, makes it even more special to read. What a great way to say thanks to her fans.
Her book title is called Dream Weaver and here is a Summery of her book (Yes I got premission for this):

Elizabeth Love is a wife and mother who loves her daughters dearly but has been trapped in a sexually and physically abusive marriage to her husband, Scott Travers, for the last two decades. Lizzie turns to writing to escape the trials of her life; her husband, his friend Randy "The Adonis", the crazy clients in the law firm where she works, the bickering amongst her girls and the ever-increasing stack of bills which she lives under. For a long time she writes what is known as 'FanFiction' based on a popular sci-fi television show, Galaxy Gateway and the show's character, Dennis Johnson. Publishing her works on the Internet Lizzie develops a wide following inside and outside of the Galaxy Gateway fandom, making friends and enemies alike along the way. Getting through the day to day struggles isn't easy for Lizzie but she does her best. Often she dreams of her Constant Companion (or CC as she calls him) who comes to her in the form of Dennis Johnson but later as someone who merely looks like him. Lizzie blogs her dreams and the lesser details her life on the Internet for the world to see so that she can cope, after all, she's a writer and writing is the way most writers communicate...even with themselves.

Michael Garrett a/k/a Dennis Johnson of Galaxy Gateway fame has just lost his job. The show has been canceled after 10 years on the air and he is now faced with the unenviable task of looking for work as he tries to break out of the genre of science fiction and being type cast as the 'nerdy geeky doctor'. Married to the diva Gabriella Phideaux for the last four years, they have two children whom Michael adores but Gabby could do without. He often turns to Lizzie's stories for a little escape and to Lizzie herself for the same but she doesn't know who he is. Michael reads her stories and her blogs...both of them as Lizzie keeps one for the world to see and a private blog with a private list where she writes about the more intimate details of her life.

With the her favorite show going off the air, Lizzie writes an original novel "The Shaw Street Strangler" which is quite out of character for her and the darkly erotic material she's come to write about Dennis over the years. Breaking out of the mold the book is a smash but not everyone is happy when Lizzie is forced to stop writing her Galaxy Gateway stories and soon the threats pour in to the offices of Pauline Depoix, a high-powered literary agent who's taken Lizzie on as a client. When the novel hits, Michael sees his way out of second-rate roles on second-rate television shows. He jumps off the page and into Lizzie's life as he helps her write the movie script. Much against the warnings of her husband, Scott, and Lizzie's better judgment, romance blossoms under the hot California sun.

All is not well as the Masked Panty Raider, a huge fan of Lizzie's Galaxy Gateway stories for the past several years, sets out to get her back. Adopting the persona of Eddie from Elizabeth's novel he stalks her over the Internet and into the Real World, following her from her home in Connecticut to British Columbia and a cozy cabin where Michael and Lizzie are snowed in alone together for three days. Finally The Masked Panty Raider follows her to Hollywood and the set of "The Shaw Street Strangler".

But who is the Masked Panty Raider? Just some whack-job from the Internet? Someone from Lizzie's past? Scott? Randy "The Adonis"? Or is it....perhaps....Michael?

Sweeping romance combined with drama and suspense will keep you turning pages until you find out Whodunit.

(Warning: Adult Content. Explicit Sex & Some Violence.)


If you would like a copy of her book please visit this website at: www.moonsmusings.com